I envision:
A colorful, joyful carnival at the North & South Korean border.
An international flower market and festival at Tienanmen square.
Jerusalem and Gaza and the West Bank as a global center for religious/spiritual studies filled with libraries and lecture halls and conference centers.
Iraq as a thriving metropolis.
Iran as a pluralistic society filled with global universities.
The refugee camps in Africa as wildlife parks and environmental housing projects.
The battle zones in Africa as peaceful, economically developed nations.
The slums of South and Central America as beautiful, clean and simple housing communities with parks and civic centers.
Mountainous waste dumps as parks and ecological study centers.
The oceans and lakes and streams as sparkling, clean waterways.
The sky brilliant blue, free of smog.
Leaders in Washington and all nations taking a moment of silent prayer/meditation for the highest good of all before doing business.
Wall Street and Hollywood replacing greed with the pursuit of abundance for all.
Myself as being non-judgmental, open, flexible, forgiving, loving and compassionate.
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