we are made of light. the world and universe as we know it is a reflection of light. light is the carrier wave of the building blocks of matter.
using the ancient dance of understanding that is: as above, so below; as within, so without (or the microcosm is the macrocosm), light births EVERYTHING.
just as we see a rainbow in the sky, so creation energetically begins as rays of Light emanating from the Source/Universal Mind/Consciousness. Light divided into frequencies resulting in varying colors of the visible spectrum.
just as a laser, or optic fiber, can convey information, so Divine Light holds within it frequencies which make up our emotional and mental and spiritual traits.
because these rays emanate from a higher dimensional reality, they do not duplicate the frequency/color sequence we are familiar with.
The First Three of these Rays are called the Rays of Aspect:
The 1st Ray -- The Ray of Will/Power/Purpose (white)
The 2nd Ray -- The Ray of Love/Wisdom (blue & pink)
The 3rd Ray -- The Ray of Active Intelligence (bright yellow)
These Major Rays are then divided in the Four Rays of Attribute:
The 4th Ray -- The Ray of Harmony through Conflict (green)
The 5th Ray -- The Ray of Concrete Science/Knowledge (orange)
The 6th Ray -- The Ray of Devotion/Idealism (religion/spirituality); (indigo)
The 7th Ray -- The Ray of Ceremonial Order (transformation);( violet)
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