After a rough week of bill collectors and friends struggling with the tough issues of this 3rd dimensional world, each of us searching for a way through these changing times, I went for a walk with no destination, or time limit, or expectation, but just to be free.
I turned down a street and found a small, weathered note held to a garden wall by a small stone.
It was a message for me.
Perhaps it is a message for others as well...
"July 27th, 2010,
Dear beautiful human being,
Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life, one on which you will experience and feel the goodness of the world as much as you'd like to. Maybe you are a student between classes, maybe a person without work, hoping that the next opportunity will be a good one.
Whoever you are, whatever your trade, wherever you came from, whatever harm you have ever done to anyone, I know, without ever having met you, that you are a beautiful person.
This life of ours is so deceptively fragile, this day, a gift.
Try something new today! Do something that makes you uncomfortable, then think about and bask in the feeling of accomplishment, or warmth, or whatever it is that follows. Leap and the net will appear.
This is the first moment of the rest of your life.
May it be a rich one.
I have no idea who "T" is, but then again, maybe I do...
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
The Value Of Debts
Considering the line from "The Lord's Prayer": "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors," (which is strangely absent from many versions of the prayer; perhaps some churches want to keep people firmly in the grasp of the Capitalist/Puritan ethic, which serves to keep the individual disempowered and the status quo unaltered).
One can think of this line in purely financial terms.
But another interpretation could be those 'debts' we believe others owe us: So-and-so should have given me that job; It's so-and-so's fault that what happened happened; So-and-so owes me an explanation/apology; So-and-so should have done a better job, shown up sooner, done the right thing, and on and on.
Perhaps when we consider taking people off the 'cross' (see July 10th post), we might also think about those we feel owe us something in this life, who have made us the victim, and examine what is really "owed" us in this world.
Maybe then we can also clear our own 'debts', as well as those of others.
One can think of this line in purely financial terms.
But another interpretation could be those 'debts' we believe others owe us: So-and-so should have given me that job; It's so-and-so's fault that what happened happened; So-and-so owes me an explanation/apology; So-and-so should have done a better job, shown up sooner, done the right thing, and on and on.
Perhaps when we consider taking people off the 'cross' (see July 10th post), we might also think about those we feel owe us something in this life, who have made us the victim, and examine what is really "owed" us in this world.
Maybe then we can also clear our own 'debts', as well as those of others.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Synergy Seminars
This is a powerful healing site everyone should be aware of. The Leviton's work is transformational and immediate.
From the site:
If you've been searching the web for Guided Imagery for whatever reason, we're glad that you've found us and we look forward to sharing all the rich possibilities for life change in this simple, but powerful process called imagery.
Synergy Seminars offers a variety of opportunities for you to learn about and experience for yourself the many benefits of imagery, such as breaking old habits and patterns, removal of prior trauma, self understanding, symptom removal, personal growth, stress reduction, pain control and even better communication skills in relationships.
Through one-day seminars, weekend retreats, books, CD's and even a full certification program that will train you to be a GUIDED IMAGERY THERAPIST, you can learn and experience a process that can literally change your life completely, and in a shorter period of time than you could imagine.
Sincerely, Chuck and Patti Leviton
Learn how Guided Imagery can help you heal your body, teach you how to use the power of the mind to create healing images and focus your spiritual energy in a loving and supportive way. You can learn to change your life right now.
About Guided Imagery...
Guided imagery is as old as psychotherapy itself. Called by many different names - visualization, directed daydreams, active imagination - this process is a state of relaxation whereby we can bypass that censor we call the brain and go directly into the buried emotions of the unconscious. This place of healing can bring to the surface painful or negative issues that need to be seen, understood, or resolved, whether emotional or physical. The body cannot heal in chaos. Through this process of relaxation we provide our bodies the environment to balance and regain health and well-being. MORE
FAQ's Check out the answers to your most frequently asked questions
Synergy Seminars is the dynamic team of Dr. Charles Leviton & Patti Leviton CHT. Both Charles and Patti are published authors, presenters and workshop leaders providing the combined experience of fifty years of professional work in healing and transformational modalities.
Charles D. Leviton,ED.D.
Patti Leviton, M.A., CHT
Synergy Seminars has an exciting and comprehensive list of Weekend Retreats scheduled Now... The best therapeutic and financial value we offer our clients is the very popular weekend retreat, held monthly at our office in Palm Springs, CA.
If you are interested in our latest seminars please ENTER here.
Synergy Services...
CLICK HERE Guided Imagery
Individual Psychotherapy
Group Psychotherapy
FREEGuided Imagery of the Week FREE
The Magic Solution
Guided Imagery Certification... If you are interested in becoming a certified guided imagery therapist, Synergy Seminars provides a comprehensive and exciting two level program for both the professional and the layman.
CD's - These unique CD's, written and narrated by Patti, cover a variety of subjects. Addressing such issues as cancer, weight release, addictions, and surgery, to name just a few. Also, you may e-mail Patti with a special request to create a personalized imagery just for you, Addressing your specific need. PERSONALIZED IMAGERY
Books - These books from Chuck and Patti are based on their experiences from many years of teaching, counseling and giving seminars. Dr. Charles D. Leviton Ed.D. There is No Bad Truth-The Search for Self. Patti Leviton , M.A., CHT The Miracle of Words. The book co-authored by Chuck & Patti, The Conflict Between Us is the Conflict within Me, as well as "Inner Peace-Outward Power", with guided imagery to use with the 12 steps to recovery.,
Book Testimonial
"...where there is inspiration and desire to change information and coaching can produce dramatic results; the Leviton's book, The Conflict Between Us Is The Conflict Within Me, and the enclosed guided imagery CD provide an easily accessible format."
Bernie Siegel, MD author, Love, Medicine & Miracles and Prescriptions for Living
From the site:
If you've been searching the web for Guided Imagery for whatever reason, we're glad that you've found us and we look forward to sharing all the rich possibilities for life change in this simple, but powerful process called imagery.
Synergy Seminars offers a variety of opportunities for you to learn about and experience for yourself the many benefits of imagery, such as breaking old habits and patterns, removal of prior trauma, self understanding, symptom removal, personal growth, stress reduction, pain control and even better communication skills in relationships.
Through one-day seminars, weekend retreats, books, CD's and even a full certification program that will train you to be a GUIDED IMAGERY THERAPIST, you can learn and experience a process that can literally change your life completely, and in a shorter period of time than you could imagine.
Sincerely, Chuck and Patti Leviton
"Synergy Seminars offers a great training experience! In addition to being wonderful people, Chuck and Patti Leviton perform the near impossible. They make the training easy to understand and utilize for a broad spectrum of caregivers. Even non-psychotherapists can safely learn these powerful techniques and yet the training offers enough depth to satisfy experienced clinicians. What's especially valuable is the personal experience of therapy that accompanies the training sessions. This makes the very reasonable fees for the seminars even more of a bargain and a wonderful experience that I will take with me the rest of my life." H. Owen Ward, Jr., PhD, Clinical Psychologist "Synergy Seminars’ training in IntraPersonal Guided Imagery was phenomenal. Chuck and Patti Leviton’s generous teaching gave us a solid base of experiential learning and a thorough understanding of the history, research and formative clinical modalities of Guided Imagery. They were professional, attentive to the unique learning needs of their students, and richly embodied a compassionate presence. I have witnessed invaluable therapeutic results while using Guided Imagery myself with patients, staff and community members. I highly recommend their training." Elizabeth Morse, MDiv, BCC Spiritual Care Coordinator South Lake Hospital Orlando, Florida |
Are you facing a medical situation or crisis, and wish a physical healing? BODY |
Are you experiencing emotional pain and need relief; or remembering a past trauma and need comfort? MIND |
Are you on a spiritual journey, questioning your goals, your passion, your purpose? SPIRIT |
About Guided Imagery...
Guided imagery is as old as psychotherapy itself. Called by many different names - visualization, directed daydreams, active imagination - this process is a state of relaxation whereby we can bypass that censor we call the brain and go directly into the buried emotions of the unconscious. This place of healing can bring to the surface painful or negative issues that need to be seen, understood, or resolved, whether emotional or physical. The body cannot heal in chaos. Through this process of relaxation we provide our bodies the environment to balance and regain health and well-being. MORE
FAQ's Check out the answers to your most frequently asked questions
Synergy Seminars is the dynamic team of Dr. Charles Leviton & Patti Leviton CHT. Both Charles and Patti are published authors, presenters and workshop leaders providing the combined experience of fifty years of professional work in healing and transformational modalities.
Synergy Seminars has an exciting and comprehensive list of Weekend Retreats scheduled Now... The best therapeutic and financial value we offer our clients is the very popular weekend retreat, held monthly at our office in Palm Springs, CA.
If you are interested in our latest seminars please ENTER here.
Synergy Services...
Individual Psychotherapy
Group Psychotherapy
FREEGuided Imagery of the Week FREE
The Magic Solution
Guided Imagery Certification... If you are interested in becoming a certified guided imagery therapist, Synergy Seminars provides a comprehensive and exciting two level program for both the professional and the layman.
CD's - These unique CD's, written and narrated by Patti, cover a variety of subjects. Addressing such issues as cancer, weight release, addictions, and surgery, to name just a few. Also, you may e-mail Patti with a special request to create a personalized imagery just for you, Addressing your specific need. PERSONALIZED IMAGERY
Books - These books from Chuck and Patti are based on their experiences from many years of teaching, counseling and giving seminars. Dr. Charles D. Leviton Ed.D. There is No Bad Truth-The Search for Self. Patti Leviton , M.A., CHT The Miracle of Words. The book co-authored by Chuck & Patti, The Conflict Between Us is the Conflict within Me, as well as "Inner Peace-Outward Power", with guided imagery to use with the 12 steps to recovery.,
Book Testimonial
"...where there is inspiration and desire to change information and coaching can produce dramatic results; the Leviton's book, The Conflict Between Us Is The Conflict Within Me, and the enclosed guided imagery CD provide an easily accessible format."
Bernie Siegel, MD author, Love, Medicine & Miracles and Prescriptions for Living
Saturday, July 17, 2010
old world vs. new world part 12
I envision a new world without ignorance and greed and poverty and crime and violence.
Without war.
Without pollution, the planet's ecological balance restored.
Where the financial system empowers people to work together for the greatest good.
In the new world there will be no law that a company must make profits and no law that gives corporations the right to openly, legally influence governance. Where no business is entitled to the rights of an individual.
In the new world there will be no practice of posting quarterly profits and a return to annual profit/loss statements, or statements every two years.
No more MBA programs at universities, which encourage top-heavy, greed-based policies at the expense of the sound business practices for the the greater good.
In the new world all business is to solely support the common good with reasonable salaries and profits.
In the new world transparency is the watchword, all salaries from the top CEO to the factory floor workers will be published and justified. No more secrets.
All interest will be abolished.
Personal and global debt will be erased.
No one will ever be removed from their home because having a home will be a human right.
Health will be a human right.
Education will be a human right.
All political lobbying will cease. The only influence on elected officials and policy will be exerted politically through the voting booth and open forums.
There will be no more behind-closed-doors policy making: the public has the right to all information. No politician knows better than the society that elected them. No more secrets.
In the new world all elections will be publicly financed and held to a three month time period and an equal portion of the public airwaves will be free to each politician.
Religion will not be allowed to influence public policy. (Actually, in the new world there will be no religions, only personal spiritual practice.)
All global conflicts will be resolved through mediation and common-cause, global self-interest. The military-industrial complex will be dismantled. All 'fences' will be brought down: All humanity is entitled to the entire planet. Armies will be replaced with limited police forces that use non-violent methods.
News departments will be freed of corporate ownership and will be publicly financed and overseen by public governance.
Prisons will be replaced with healing centers (some with strict security for the most challenging cases).
All drugs will be legalized, the strongest requiring multiple prescriptions. Hemp will become a global healing and economic force.
The legal system will become one of healing and mediation and problem solving.
The practice of law will become one of mediation and not conflict. 'Legalese' will be a thing of the past as all contracts are easily understood and not used to deliberately hide and confuse.
A person's word will once again be their bond.
The Golden Rule will become public policy.
Humanity will once again work with the consciousness of nature as equal partners to heal the planet and move its evolution forward.
As humanity comes together, the energy of fight-or-flight and survival-of-the-fittest within the animal kingdoms will cease to exist as all nature -- including the consciousness of the weather -- will be cooperating with itself -- and humanity -- for the greatest good of the planet.
The planetary mantra will be: For The Greatest Good Of All With Harm To No One And No Thing.
And Earth will be returned to the paradise it once was, and was always meant to be, in harmony with humanity.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Great Spirit Prayer
All over the earth the faces of living things are all alike. . .
Look upon these faces of children without number
And with children in their arms,
That they may face the winds and
Walk the good road to the day of quiet. . .
There is no death. . .
Only a change of worlds. . .
Only a change of worlds.
Author Unknown
Saturday, July 10, 2010
the cross
As we move into the energy of the Grand Cross of July & August, perhaps it is a good time to borrow some of the ideas and imagery from mystic Christianity (which has almost nothing to do with Christianity as most know it!) and open ourselves to a powerful opportunity for the healing of ourselves and others.
Let's take a moment and consider taking those whom we have opposed, or who have opposed us, off of the cross.
Let's consider carrying them on our shoulders and laying them to rest.
Let's take a moment and remember all those members of our families and friends and those of our extended families of politics, culture, religion, etc, whom we have fought, or who have fought us.
Because in those conflicts and challenges, whether conscious or not, we placed them onto the cross. And we left them there alone.
This is not to say we are supposed to feel guilt or shame or remorse, as those energies only serve to place ourselves on the cross.
It is to suggest that perhaps it is time to simply and gracefully let them all go. Bring them down to the earth. Let them rest.
Truth be told, there is no harm that has been done to us that we have not done to others at one point or another, in one variation or another, in our long lives on this planet.
Perhaps it is time to simply stop keeping score.
Perhaps it is time to gently go back through our lives and recall those moments when we placed someone on the cross, the cross of our anger, fear, rejection, guilt, shame, hate, jealousy, ego, judgment and criticism, and say, "It is done," and help them off the cross so that they can move on with their lives.
And of course, we must first let ourselves off of the cross, the crosses we have hammered together out of our fear of inadequacy, fear of being unworthy, unlovable, of being wrong.
Take ourselves off the cross of never being good enough in the world's eyes, or our family's, or our friends. Take ourselves off the cross of needing approval from others. Off the cross of success or failure. The cross of attachment. Of judgment. Of fear.
As we align with the energy of the Grand Cross, consider that it is also possible that in the vastness of time and space and the infinite, that we have truly done no wrong. And no one has truly wronged us.
And that it is perhaps time to climb done from all those crosses we have built and allowed others to build for us.
Perhaps it is time for all of us to rest.
And bring down the crosses once and for all.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
an unfinished work of art
Michelangelo created the top Pieta in 1499, the bottom around 1552-64. Later, he is said to have considered the first to be youthful arrogance, as he was trying to best God. However, in his last years, Michelangelo considered the bottom pieta to be perfection, and one of his greatest works, because we are never finished...
-- excerpt from "Son" & "Daughter"
My dear ones, life is magnificent.
It is pain woven within pain, it is joy radiant with joy.
It is forgetfulness and missteps and nightmares made real.
It is beauty blessed with grace.
It is truth dreaming of love.
Our lives, this world, is our canvas with which to paint upon such glories as the universe has never witnessed. We are master artists --
Each one of us --
And in us God delights.
It is pain woven within pain, it is joy radiant with joy.
It is forgetfulness and missteps and nightmares made real.
It is beauty blessed with grace.
It is truth dreaming of love.
Our lives, this world, is our canvas with which to paint upon such glories as the universe has never witnessed. We are master artists --
Each one of us --
And in us God delights.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Understanding Fear by Lord Buddha
Channelled through Natalie Glasson - 28/06/10
May the abundant blessings of the Creator shower onto and into your being now, bringing forth the greatest existence of joy, happiness and bliss. My dear friends it is not only your privilege to be happy on the Earth but it is your truth and the natural existence of your being. Happiness is an emotion of love and love is the truth of the Creator’s soul. At the high vibrations of the Creator universe it is only the vibration of love that is in existence, this is because every essence, consciousness or focus within the Creator’s soul is of love and so this emanates limitlessly into the universe. It is important to realise that it is your divine right to align with the Creator’s soul and to receive sacred energy and illumination. It is also your sacred right to become one with the Creator and embody the soul of the Creator on the Earth and the many levels of the inner planes. With the realisation of your divine right you are able to take action and focus your existence on accepting these sacred blessings, which you naturally are anyway. Due to the fact that every soul on the Earth is an aspect of the Creator when they align to the Creator this creates feelings of comfort, joy and happiness as the soul is reunited with and reminded of its truth. In fact, happiness and a sense of relief or safety manifests because the illusions, fears and limitations of the Earth are stripped away at that point of reconnection with the Creator which brings an immense liberation.
When we enter onto the Earth as souls we descend into a low vibrating energy which feels abstract and somewhat uncomfortable after the high vibrations of the inner planes. Whereas on the inner planes everything manifests with precise speed and vitality, the slow vibrations of the Earth allow for a feeling of heaviness and restriction. For many it can feel as if the soul is being caged and trapped. The slow vibration of the Earth means that we experience all emotions, thoughts, actions and reactions at a slower rate, it is as if they hang in the air for you to view and examine before letting go or accepting. The process of growth is slowed down and all experiences are intensified for greater development and further exploration of the Creator’s energy. When we are aware that everything we experience is at a slow rate, is therefore weighty and can sit heavily on our shoulders then we have a realisation that allows us to break through the illusions that the slower vibrations create to connect with the high vibrations which bestow a greater appreciation of the truth of the Creator.
When we allow our mind especially to be drawn into or embedded in the slow vibrations we truly feel the reality of fear, limitations and hopelessness. This can be overwhelming creating the awareness that no other reality is true other than the reality of fear. It is this reality that causes so much emotional, mental and even physical pain, allowing an experience of the numerous manifestations of fear. It is important to realise that fear is a manifestation of the Creator’s energy, but it isn’t a manifestation from the Creator, rather a projection from our own energies within us when we are off balance or disconnected from the truth and love of the Creator.
As I stated previously the soul can feel trapped or caged within the slower vibrating levels and this manifests numerous fears within the mind and being as it no longer feels supported by the energy of the Creator and can feel separated from everything else. If we were to rise up to completely embody the higher vibrations of the Creator’s light then all fears would simply flow away and we would see their lack of importance, but because we are constantly in existence within the slower vibrations even when we reconnect with the Creator we can still feel or recognise the fears rising from within us. It is almost as if there is a lack of trust in the Creator’s support and this is evident because of the continued manifestations of fears. When we place our complete and absolute trust in the soul of the Creator then fear has no place within our beings as we are cradled in love entirely. Love becomes our only reality and truth prevails.
With the understanding that fears are magnified due to the slower vibration of the Earth and that all fear or negative situations start within us and are projected into our reality, we can then begin work on dissolving and removing fears to exist as love. The slower vibration means that we will experience fears more fully but we must be aware that this doesn’t make them real; they are still delusional projections from within your being. When you begin to learn what is the truth and what is false within your reality then you will gain a greater perspective of clarity and balance. This doesn’t mean that we can pull away from our reality and responsibilities but simply signifies that we do not have to allow fears to affect us as fully and can avert our concentration to the truth and our alignment with the Creator.
These are realisations that most light beings on the Earth will accept at a certain stage of their growth or already realise, but to place the perceptive into your reality and examine when you are being grasped or deluded by fears brings forth a great illumination to all aspects of your being, allowing for a greater connection with the mighty soul of the Creator.
In many ways we can state that all fears are false because the only truth is love; the love that pours from the Creator’s soul and exists within your being in abundance. To experience and truly embody this love simply requires a shift in perspective from fear to love, allowing yourself to remain focused on love at all times but not forgetting the valuable lessons that can manifest from fear. Many people believe that fear is needed on the Earth and that one cannot live without fear but when fear is released the soul becomes prominent and guides you accordingly creating perfection and purity within your reality. When we cling to fear we are holding on to the greatest fear of all, fear of connecting with the Creator’s soul and of being loved completely and absolutely. It is every soul’s divine right to be loved; it is now time to allow this divine right to come into fruition through your acceptance of the Creator and understanding of fear.
The love of the Creator encapsulates you now,
I am Lord Buddha, Planetary Logos
Friday, July 2, 2010
old world vs new world part 11

Why is it that so many spiritual/metaphysical websites still have passwords, and many have one fill out a questionnaire as to why one wants to join, which is then judged by an administrator?
Of course, it's an individual's website and one has to respect their 'home' and how they choose to create it.
But when we think about it, can we really envision the New Earth using passwords and 'guard-posts'?
Yes, these days there are spammers and those of low intention and vibration, but we have to begin somewhere. We have to be the ones to lead when it comes to walking the talk.
When we bring down the walls and fences with right and true intention, we raise the vibration of the site -- and our home -- and "unwanted" energies will not enter. They won't be attracted. They won't find our site 'interesting.'
It's only when we exercise the low frequency energy of fences and locks and passwords that we automatically attract the very energies we want to avoid.
Locks, passwords, fences are about fear and fear attracts the energy and experience of fear. It attracts predatory energy.
The new world is about openness and freedom and expansion and inclusiveness -- including those we disagree with -- especially those we disagree with -- if we are truly a spiritual community.
Let the Light shine and those of shadow and darkness will eventually turn away.
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