Monday, December 29, 2008

gender balance

(photo courtesy tanjila)

"A Time of Resting"

"The worlds from which you are now transitioning are part of that spectrum of universes whose foundation rests heavily upon a masculine view of reality. Because of this, the prevailing attitudes about sexuality are strongly colored by that view as well. The feminine has existed here, of course, but its influence is still considerably repressed.

Masculine energy tends to separate life issues and focus upon them. Feminine Energy tends to gather them together and intuit them. Masculinity is individuated, femininity is familial. Masculinity is logical, and runs on reason. Femininity is emotional, and sources its power in relationship.

Sex, in a masculine-dominant environment, would be defined as an ACT, a moment-in-time experience that has a beginning, a middle, and an end. In a feminine-dominant environment, sex is an ATTITUDE, a "connective force" that holds people together, like tendons and cartilage hold together a body structure.

The masculine (in and of itself) wants to "penetrate, inseminate, and emigrate" from each connection as quickly and easily as possible. The feminine wants to "collaborate, consolidate, and administrate" each connection so that deeper needs are recognized and addressed. Masculinity falls in love with something specific--a focus, an essence, a trait. Femininity falls in love with potential--a direction, a vision, an anticipated way of life.

Both genders carry both sides of the energy spectrum, in a physical Game Format. The males, at any given point, can be seen as embodying (or wearing) the current status of masculine energy in that Game. The females will wear the current status of the feminine. The judgment of each state is in the eye of the beholder. In other words, if a woman looks at a man and judges him--she is really judging her own inner masculine. If a man looks at a woman and judges her, he is naming the current state of his own inner feminine.

And so it goes. Each gender becomes a reflector for the other--a mirror for what's happening in the life of whoever beholds it. And each society of humans becomes a reflection of the Creator God/Goddess Force that has formed and infused it. Every part of the Game needs every other part, at some point. Nothing can be eliminated, even though both "sides" in the dance have attempted to do this, across time and history.

The pendulum swing from masculine dominance to feminine dominance has been played out to the hilt. Now is the time of resting. Now is the time of integration of BOTH FORCES into One Congruous Whole." -- Daniel Jacob Reconnections website

Sunday, December 21, 2008

"On this winter solstice, I release all my sisters and brothers in the past, present and future, on all planets, incarnations, dimensions and universes from any and all karmic ties and debts bound to me. And I pray forgiveness of all my brothers and sisters, as above, that I may be released from all karmic ties and debts bound to them for any and all actions, thoughts and intentions which may have caused harm. And I release completely the energy of karma that I and all my sisters and brothers might live fully in the NOW, in Light, and in Love, ever more. So It Is." Bradley Rand Smith

Monday, December 15, 2008

A Good Knight

(photo courtesy snake3yes)
As we witness and participate in the balancing of the male and female energies on the planet, it is important for men to reconnect to a more noble vision of masculine power in order to help heal the distortion of masculine energy on the planet. One way is to reconnect with the mythos of the knight protector (without the historic connection to male-dominate religion and condescension toward women).

These are some ideas for men to consider. (The first part is my modern re-interpretation, the latter the ancient codes of conduct, from an unknown source -- and regrettably uncredited.)

A good knight is:

A Liberator of Light, who will at all times be without judgment and criticism of self and others.

Will be at all times compassionate and forgiving of self and others.

Will be held to his word, which is a sacred bond.

Will speak the truth, tempered with compassion, even to his death.

Will be protective of all peoples unable to defend themselves.

Will honor absolutely another's free will to make their own choices, no matter how seemingly self-destructive, but will never allow another to impose their will, destructive or otherwise, on another.

Will be guardians of the natural environment and the animal kingdoms.

Will honor the masculine in men and the feminine in women and both energies within themselves, maintaining a state of balance.

Will anchor light on the planet at all times.

Will exhibit humility and gratitude, not as signs of weakness, but as examples of divine power.

Will be prepared to sacrifice their life to save another.

Will never fear death.

Will honor their body.

Will be brothers to all.

Will seek the good in all.

Will take full responsibility for their thoughts and actions at all times.

and so it is.

The Code of Chivalry

The code of chivalry is an embodiment of those virtues that a knight strives to live by. It is the sword with which the knight combats injustice, and the shield that defends against corruption. It is the very heart and spirit of the knight. The Syraandorian Code of Chivalry is made up of three parts: the Virtues, the Code, and the Measure. The Code and Measure are a list of tenets to live by, which exemplify the Knightly Virtues.

The Virtues of Knighthood.

Prowess: To seek excellence in all endeavors expected of a knight, martial and otherwise, seeking strength to be used in the service of justice, rather than in personal aggrandizement.

Justice: Seek always the path of right, unencumbered by bias or personal interest. Recognize that the sword of justice can be a terrible thing, so it must be tempered by humanity and mercy.

Loyalty: Be known for unwavering commitment to the people and ideals you choose to live by. There are many places where compromise is expected; loyalty is not amongst them.

Defense: The knight is sworn by oath to defend his liege lord and those who depended upon him. Seek always to defend your nation, your family, and those to whom you have sworn to protect.

Courage: Being a knight often means choosing the more difficult path, the personally expensive one. Be prepared to make personal sacrifices in service of the precepts and people you value. At the same time, a knight should seek wisdom to see that stupidity and courage are cousins. Courage also means taking the side of truth in all matters, rather than seeking the expedient lie. Seek the truth whenever possible, but remember to temper justice with mercy, for the pure truth can bring grief.

Faith: A knight must stand firm in himself and in his beliefs, for this faith roots him and gives hope against the despair.

Humility: Value first the contributions of others; do not boast of your own accomplishments, let others do this for you. Tell the deeds of others before your own, according them the renown rightfully earned through virtuous deeds. In this way the office of knighthood is well done and glorified, helping not only the gentle spoken of but also all those who may be called knights.

Largesse: Be generous in so far as your resources allow; largesse used in this way counters gluttony.

Nobility: Seek great stature of character by holding to the virtues and duties of a knight, realizing that though the ideals cannot be reached, the quality of striving towards them ennobles the spirit. Nobility also has the tendency to influence others, offering a compelling example of what can be done in the service of rightness.

Franchise: Seek to emulate the Code as sincerely as possible, not for the reason of personal gain but because it is right. Do not restrict your exploration to a small world, but seek to infuse every aspect of your life with these qualities. Should you succeed in even a tiny measure then you will be well remembered for your quality and virtue.

In addition to the Virtues of Knighthood, Knights of Syraandor must uphold the Code and Measure, a number of tenets or commandments, which embody the meaning of Nobility. The Code and Measure are similar in many lands throughout the world, suggesting they originate from an ancient, widespread source.

The Code and Measure.


Thou shalt respect the weak and constitute thyself the defender of them.
Thou shalt love the land to which thou hast sworn fealty.
Thou shalt not recoil before thine enemy.
Thou shalt make war upon evil without cessation.
Thou shalt scrupulously perform thy noble duties be they not contrary to the laws of the land.
Thou shalt be generous and give freely to everyone.
Thou shalt never lie and shall always be faithful to thy word.
Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil.


A Knight is sworn to Valor;
His heart must know only Virtue;
His Perfect blade must defend the helpless,
And his might shall uphold all weak.
His breath shall bring a word that speaks only truth.
His justly wrath shall undo the wicked.

Monday, December 8, 2008

"The Desert Orchid" by bradley rand smith

See also screenplay "the awakening of Ellington Webb" and "darkness and men's eyes" as well as "Shambala, an adventure".
(photo courtesy Brian Jeffery Beggerly)

Once upon a time a good-hearted and noble-minded king ruled over a desert kingdom within a vast sea of sun-bleached sand.

Outside of the city walls, as far as the eye could see, nothing lived but burrowing desert mice and scurrying black beetles.

Within the city's walls, life for the king's subjects was good, as it was the king's great-grandfather who first discovered the rushing oasis spring which, to this day, still feeds the city's palms and dates and pomegranates.

But the aging ruler, who had lived far past his family and wives, now had only those he ruled over as his companions, and he now lived only for their happiness.

But despite being much-loved, as old men are want to do, he began to doubt the value of his life, and began to question whether he had truly been a good king -- as his father and his father's father had been. He wondered how he would be remembered when he died. Would he be remembered at all?

It was at this time that the king heard from a passing mystic of a magnificent and miraculous white orchid which blossomed in the very middle of the vast desert. It was said that this orchid possessed the power of prophesy and that whoever possessed the orchid would know the truth of what was to come. And what had been. That is also would bestow great wisdom on whoever claimed it and would offer powerful protection and great wealth to all who came near.

And so the king made it his quest to find this orchid and bring it to the oasis in the center of his kingdom, for all his people, that they might know the future and continue receiving their blessings long after the king had died.

Out from the city's wall's rode the finest young men in search of the orchid for their beloved king. And for years they searched, but to no avail. Even the king, on certain moonless nights, snuck out from the city on the back of his powerful stallion in search of the miraculous orchid. And each time he returned empty-handed, his heart filled with more and more sadness and regret.

Perhaps his failure to find the orchid was a sign that his greatness had been nothing more than a mirage in the desert?

Never was the orchid found.

Years later, as the king lay dying, surrounded by his grieving subjects, again his mind and heart were filled with doubts of his worthiness as a king.

And be began to long for death if only to free him from these burdensome thoughts.
And one night Death came, quietly and gently, and took the king's spirit to his place of rest, where he was greeted by the spirit of his father, who smiled joyously and embraced his son."Father, I have failed as a king, and as your son. I did nothing for your people," the king's spirit said.

"Come, and look, " the king's father said and turned his son back toward the kingdom, where the son watched his funeral procession moving slowly through the streets of the kingdom, the weeping crowds parting reverently.

"Listen," said the king's father. And the son listened, and to his dismay, he could hear the thoughts of his subjects as his beautifully cloaked body passed:
"The king smiled upon me that day of my heartbreak, and I didn't feel so alone," said one young man. "He made me feel safe within these walls, that I might have a family and be a good father," said an old man. "I showed my child what honor and integrity were by pointing to the king in his tower," said a mother. "I learned that strength and goodness can be one in the same, from the king's example," said a soldier.

And on and on it went, until the king's eyes were filled with tears and his heart lifted with joy.

The father turned to his son, "You allowed your subjects to find their own way. You gave them safety that they might thrive, you gave them peace that they might discover love. You, my son, were the greatest of kings."

Touched and humbled, the king asked, "But what of the future? What will become of our people? Who will watch over and protect them?"

Again, the king's father turned his son to the kingdom, and to the center of the lush oasis within. There the king's body lay buried, at the green bank of the rushing stream, a simple monument marking the grave, with the words inscribed upon it: "Long May Our Beloved King Live."

And from the very center of the desert, on a grass-covered grave, over the king's heart, there grew a miraculous and magnificent...

white orchid.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


I asked for strength that I might achieve;
I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey.
I asked for health that I might do greater things;
I was given infirmity that I might do better things.
I asked for riches that I might be happy;
I was given poverty that I might be wise.
I asked for power that I might have
the praise of men.
I was given weakness that I might feel
the need of God.
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life;
I was given life that I might enjoy all things.
I got nothing that I had asked for,
but everything that I hoped for.
Almost despite myself my unspoken
prayers were answered;
I am, among all men, most richly blessed.

- Unknown Confederate soldier

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

the purpose for us now...

(photo courtesy oimax)

The purpose for you now
Is to walk this earth in joy and freedom.
And all it takes to do that
Is for you to know
That this world holds nothing that you want.
All it takes to walk this earth in peace
Is for you to know that nothing here
Has any effect on the reality of what you are,
Which is the Child of God.
All it takes to walk this earth in peace
Is to know that you are, indeed Spirit,
That Spirit is One,
That all your brothers and sisters, separate as they may seem,
Are One with you.
All it takes to walk this earth in peace
Is to know that as Spirit
You are the creative source -
And nothing can ever happen to you
That is not totally your own choice.
And all it takes to walk this earth in peace
Is to know that God, and you,
Are love,
And freedom,
And peace,
And joy.

Blessings upon you all.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

the ripple effect, part two


The following is the speech Nkosi Johnson, 11 years old, wrote by himself for the opening ceremony of the 13th International AIDS Conference in Durban:

"Hi, MY name is Nkosi Johnson. I live in Melville, Johannesburg, South Africa. I am 11 years old and I have full-blown AIDS. I was born HIV-positive.

When I was two years old, I was living in a care center for HIV / AIDS-infected people. My mommy was obviously also infected and could not afford to keep me because she was very scared that the community she lived in would find out that we were both infected and chase us away.

I know she loved me very much and would visit me when she could. And then the care center had to close down because they didn't have any funds. So my foster mother, Gail Johnson, who was a director of the care center and had taken me home for weekends, said at a board meeting she would take me home. Nkosi Johnson She took me home with her and I have been living with her for eight years now.

She has taught me all about being infected and how I must be careful with my blood. If I fall and cut myself and bleed, then I must make sure that I cover my own wound and go to an adult to help me clean it and put a plaster on it.

I know that my blood is only dangerous to other people if they also have an open wound and my blood goes into it. That is the only time that people need to be careful when touching me.

In 1997 mommy Gail went to the school, Melpark Primary, and she had to fill in a form for my admission and it said does your child suffer from anything so she said yes: AIDS.

My mommy Gail and I have always been open about me having AIDS. And then my mommy Gail was waiting to hear if I was admitted to school. Then she phoned the school, who said we will call you and then they had a meeting about me.

Of the parents and the teachers at the meeting 50% said yes and 50% said no. And then on the day of my big brother's wedding, the media found out that there was a problem about me going to school. No one seemed to know what to do with me because I am infected. The AIDS workshops were done at the school for parents and teachers to teach them not to be scared of a child with AIDS. I am very proud to say that there is now a policy for all HIV-infected children to be allowed to go into schools and not be discriminated against.

And in the same year, just before I started school, my mommy Daphne died. She went on holiday to Newcastle- she died in her sleep. And mommy Gail got a phone call and I answered and my aunty said please can I speak to Gail? Mommy Gail told me almost immediately my mommy had died and I burst into tears. My mommy Gail took me to my Mommy's funeral. I saw my mommy in the coffin and I saw her eyes were closed and then I saw them lowering it into the ground and then they covered her up. My granny was very sad that her daughter had died.

Then I saw my father for the first time and I never knew I had a father. He was very upset but I thought to myself, why did he leave my mother and me? And then the other people asked mommy Gail about my sister and who would look after her and then mommy Gail said ask the father.

Ever since the funeral, I have been missing my mommy lots and I wish she was with me, but I know she is in heaven. And she is on my shoulder watching over me and in my heart.

I hate having AIDS because I get very sick and I get very sad when I think of all the other children and babies that are sick with AIDS. I just wish that the government can start giving AZT to pregnant HIV mothers to help stop the virus being passed on to their babies. Babies are dying very quickly and I know one little abandoned baby who came to stay with us and his name was Micky. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't eat and he was so sick and Mommy Gail had to phone welfare to have him admitted to a hospital and he died. But he was such a cute little baby and I think the government must start doing it because I don't want babies to die.

Because I was separated from my mother at an early age, because we were both HIV positive, my mommy Gail and I have always wanted to start a care center for HIV / AIDS mothers and their children. I am very happy and proud to say that the first Nkosi's Haven was opened last year. And we look after 10 mommies and 15 children. My mommy Gail and I want to open five Nkosi's Havens by the end of next year because I want more infected mothers to stay together with their children- they mustn't be separated from their children so they can be together and live longer with the love that they need.

When I grow up, I want to lecture to more and more people about AIDS- and if mommy Gail will let me, around the whole country. I want people to understand about AIDS- to be careful and respect AIDS- you can't get AIDS if you touch, hug, kiss, hold hands with someone who is infected.

Care for us and accept us- we are all human beings.

We are normal. We have hands. We have feet. We can walk, we can talk, we have needs just like everyone else- don't be afraid of us- we are all the same!"

He was born Xolani Nkosi in a township slum east of Johannesburg. He never knew his father. His mother, Nonthlanthla Daphne Nkosi, was HIV-positive and passed along the virus to her unborn baby. He became a statistic—one of more than 70,000 children born HIV-positive every year in South Africa, where an estimated one-half of the population under the age of 15 will die of AIDS-related causes over the next decade.
NkosiBut Xolani was a fighter. He survived beyond his second birthday, which is unusual in HIV-infected babies. As the disease began to sap his mother’s strength, he was admitted with her to a crowded AIDS care center in Johannesburg. It was there that Gail Johnson, a volunteer worker, saw the wide-eyed Zulu boy and his ailing mother. She was obviously dying, and he was living on borrowed time. “It was a very personal and mutual understanding,” says Johnson. "I had had a graphic encounter with an AIDS death close to my family, and I wanted to do something more than just talk about it. And there was Nkosi. All I had to do was to reach out to him."

His mother readily agreed for Johnson to become Nkosi’s foster-mother. As Nkosi Johnson he had a home in a neat Johannesburg suburb and a wide circle of friends at Nkosi’s Haven, the AIDS care center Johnson founded and named after him. Nonthlanthla Nkosi died of an AIDS-related illness in 1997. In the same year, Gail and Nkosi Johnson won a different battle. When she tried to enroll him in primary school, there was opposition from some parents because of his HIV-positive status. Johnson went public with a complaint and won her case. Nkosi went to school.

That controversy made Nkosi a national figure in the campaign to destigmatize AIDS, and provincial education departments across the country were required to draw up new policies. His big moment came last July, when he addressed delegates at the international AIDS conference in Durban. A tiny figure in a shiny dark suit and sneakers, nervously holding a wireless microphone, Nkosi Johnson, all of 11 years old, held an audience of 10,000 delegates in rapt, occasionally tearful silence as he told the story of his birth and his life. “Please help people with AIDS," he said. "Support them, love them, care for them."

Later that year he took the same message to an AIDS conference in Atlanta, Georgia. "It is sad to see so many sick people," he said. "I wish everybody in the world could be well."
Though probably the longest surviving child AIDS victim in South Africa, Nkosi was clearly not well when he returned from his U.S. trip in October. He had a quiet Christmas, then he collapsed. Diagnosed with brain damage, he had several seizures and became semicomatose. Yet he hung on. "Look at him," Johnson told a local newspaper. "Half the size of bloody nothing and still fighting."
The story of Nkosi Johnson has galvanized AIDS-awareness campaigners. With at least one of every 10 South Africans HIV-positive, the country faces a public health disaster that will hit poor, populous black communities the most. Nkosi once said he wished he were a white person because he never saw a white person get sick. Dr. Zola Skweyiya, Minister for Social Development, warned last year that the AIDS epidemic could result in blacks becoming a minority in their country. Editorialized the national Sunday Times: "We South Africans—and all others on this continent and in the world—have to learn to acknowledge and treat with humanity those who are living with AIDS. There can be no better monument to Nkosi, the child who has made us confront our frail humanity and our own deepest fears, than this."

For all the misery that Nkosi has had to suffer, he is one of the lucky ones, says Johnson. "He was accepted, he was loved." Among those calling at the Johnson home last week were schoolfriends whose parents once warned them not to get close to him. The children at Nkosi’s Haven are also missing the little boy who organized their cops-and-robbers game and always wanted to be the top cop. Contributions to Johnson’s aids care trust have allowed for the opening of a second Nkosi’s Haven in the Johannesburg townships this month. Johnson hopes there will be many more. Nkosi’s name—in Zulu it means Lord, or King of Kings—will live on.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

spiritual etiquette

As the frequency of the planet and our personal vibration raises, and the veil beyond thins, more and more of us will be able to see auras, manifest psychic abilities and access the Akashic Library.

We will have more and more access to information about others energy bodies, past lives, and present spiritual condition.

But like everything else in life, having the ability does not mean one has the expertise or the understanding.

These new skills, in inexperienced hands, can be just as destructive as an unqualified surgeon or therapist.

And like everything else in life, people have the right to their privacy, and that now includes their energetic and spiritual privacy.

And to all of us who possess, to one degree or another, some or all of these energetic skills, we must be constantly reminded that the multi-dimensional universe is also made up of illusion upon illusion. That the human mind -- even the psychic human mind -- is still subject to illusion and lower ego, and quite literally, is not yet -- even at the energetic level -- fully evolved spiritually.

And that everything we view is still viewed through our individual and cultural and spiritual bias.

Everything we view and intuit is viewed through our own energy systems, and like light through a prism or filter, can be distorted.

We should never just walk up to someone and tell them what we think we may see in their aura, or palm, or astrology chart, or feel about their past lives or present spiritual health.

That is not our place.

It is one thing for a therapist or doctor to say something about someone's emotional or physical health as, generally speaking, the patient or client has direct access to whether they agree or disagree: they know how they feel.

But when we can see or feel something energetically that they can't see or feel, then we are putting them at a disadvantage as they have no way of knowing what we are, in fact, seeing or feeling.

It is always best to continue to honor the one absolute law of this universe: free will.

We should only give advice when asked.

And we should always tell the person that what we feel and/or see is just our personal understanding, and that there is only one absolute truth, and that truth is known only to that person and their god/goddess.

Monday, November 17, 2008


In these challenging times of international monetary and cultural upheaval, it is easy to point fingers and seek (myself included) someone to blame for our troubles.

It is especially easy to blame those who are "truly responsible" for the financial mess, those who made billions by looting companies and then went off on multi-million dollar vacations and extravagant business conferences, while people lost their homes and lifetime savings and retirements and health care.

And what about all those moderate and low-income families who took advantage of the highly risky mortgages, assuming financial responsibilities they (perhaps) knew they couldn't afford. Aren't they guilty as well? Do they deserve to be bailed-out (forgiven)?

Taking for granted that quite possibly all of us at one time or another sought 'something for nothing,' isn't it enough that they are now forced to deal with the loss of their homes and the dislocation of their families? Do we really need to add a punishment as well? Are we that unsympathetic?

It is understandable and very human to seek revenge and punishment.

But it is an old energy for an old world that is dying away.

Judgment and punishment were -- and still are -- the primary energies responsible for the conditions on this planet and throughout history. Because once we've sought and delivered judgment and punishment onto another, we can't stop there. It becomes a virus that must be fed, and then laws and cultures and religions and governments are built on judgment and punishment. These judgments and punishments can be disguised as taxation and justice and god, but at their core they are about power over another. And of course, these same energies then become a part of our individual psychological and moral makeup. And we consciously or unconsciously manifest self-judgment and self-punishment. Which makes it even easier to then judge and punish others, because we recognize it in ourselves, but can't attack ourselves, so we must attack others.

And perhaps this has all been appropriate for our growth as a spiritual species.

But it is not appropriate anymore. Now now. Not in the new world being birthed before our eyes.

The election of Barack Obama is a sign of these new times. His inclusion of past 'enemies' in his administration is a sign of these new times. His insistence on not pointing fingers or blaming others for their past actions is a sign of these coming times.

It is, quite frankly, a sign of Christhood, and Krishna Consciousness and the Buddha Heart and the Great Spirit.

And it is an energy that has always been open to us, but which is now flooding the planet. And it is an energy that has nothing whatsoever to do with religion, which is steeped in judgment and punishment.

As Yeshua is reported to have said from the cross: "Forgive them, for they know not what they do." What he meant is that those who judged him and crucified him were not evil, but had forgotten the truth of who they are and always were: the Divine made manifest. Love made manifest.

It is exceedingly easy -- and feels good -- to blame another, judge and then punish them. In the old world of three-dimensional linear separation, that made perfect sense. It was always us against them.

But in the new, multi-dimensional world of interconnection, who are "us" and who are "them?"

A corporate executive decides -- for purely personal gain -- rob his own company (though he most certainly has very reasonable reasons for doing it at the time, even if they only make sense to him). People's lives are destroyed. He gets off scott-free. A clear case of a 'bad guy' winning, and one who needs to be punished.

But did he really act alone? Who are his accomplices? An educational system that promoted the one over the many? Laws passed by congressmen and women that allowed his actions? Board members who looked the other way in their own self-interest? Newspapers that didn't report on his actions? People who didn't read the newspapers that did report on it? People who didn't care? People who re-elected the same congress-people? People who cheated others in their own lives and rationalized that this is just the way people are and the way the system works? A culture that rewarded wealth and celebrity at all costs? And on and on.

No one has ever acted alone on this planet. No one ever will. We are all accomplices, whether we like to believe it or not.

And that includes the murderer and the rapist and the genocidal general. Sorry, but that's always been the truth and continues to be the truth.

The most 'evil' people on this planet are a product of the families and the worlds they grew up in. There are, perhaps, those rare and few sociopaths born of genetic and/or birth defects who go on to commit horrendous crimes. But then one could argue that they are not in their 'right mind' and therefore not legally responsible. -- And certainly until the new world is fully birthed we still have to protect ourselves and our families and nations from those who would cause us harm. But in the meantime we can all start practicing a little less judgment and punishment.

"We can't reward those who cause us harm."

The Christ, the Buddha, Krishna would say, "Don't reward them, but also don't judge them and don't punish them. They are not evil. They have only forgotten. As have all of you, at one time or another, whether you choose to believe it or not. And I promise you, you would not like to have your seemingly perfect life judged by another. You would all come up quite short. Luckily, the Divine does not judge and does not punish. It knows you have forgotten. It knows you will eventually remember."

What would happen if we replaced all the prisons with healing centers -- secure ones (this will, after all, take a bit of getting used to for everyone involved).

"Criminals don't deserve to be healed!"

In the new world there are no criminals, only the wounded, who then go out to wound others.

And if we truly want to break the cycle of violence on this planet once and for all, we don't keep perpetuating it through judgment and punishment, which are also forms of violence. We break the cycle with compassion. We break it by placing ourself in the other person's shoes and seeing the world through their eyes. We come to terms with the truth, no matter how difficult, that that person is our brother and our sister. And what we do to them, we do to ourselves. That they have forgotten just as we have forgotten at one time or another. And whether through emotional violence or physical violence, we have all 'killed' someone at some point in our lives. And if not in this life, then most certainly in a past life.

The person who commits the crime, consciously or unconsciously, expects to be judged and punished. That is how they justify their actions to themselves: It's the way the world is. Survival of the fittest.

But what if that person is brought before a jury of their peers and are told: "We do not judge you. We do not condemn you. We shall not punish you. But we will work together to heal the wound that caused this act in the first place, and we will work together to heal the wounds you have in turn inflicted on others." You will have taken away their defense. You will have taken away their excuse. And eventually, you will break open their heart, and in their long-overdo healing, we are all healed just a little bit more.

And truly, we are not healing them, we are only reminding them of who they truly are, and they heal themselves.

And by this example, the entire culture and the entire world is forced to look at itself deeply and gradually to let go of its judgments and resentments and excuses. And the heart of the planet is cracked-open. And violence will go the way of cannibalism and human sacrifice and witch burning.

And we will awake to heaven on earth.

Of our own making.

Born of our remembrance.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

the ripple effect, part one

Village womens' 1992 request to Heifer International brought gift that keeps giving

As Beatrice Biira was celebrating her graduation from a select US liberal arts college in May 2008 with a degree in international development and gender studies, others were celebrating as well – most especially, 240 families living in Kisinga, a small and remote village in southwestern Uganda, near the border of Zaire and Rwanda. They held a special Mass and feast to celebrate their first college graduate.

In 1992, nine-year-old Beatrice’s wish for even primary schooling seemed unlikely to be met because her family, with a yearly income of less than $1,000, could not afford education for any of their six children. But two events that year helped make her dream a reality. Economist Jeffrey Sachs calls it the “Beatrice theorem” of development economics: small inputs can lead to large outcomes.

First, the women in her village took action to improve life for their children, sending a request for goats to Heifer International, an Arkansas group that has been providing poor families with livestock that will produce income and food since 1944. And, second, in a small Connecticut village only seven miles from Beatrice’s university, children attending Niantic Community Church raised $1,673 to pay for a herd of 12 dairy goats from Heifer’s on-line gifts catalogue to be given to African villagers.

When the goats arrived in Kisinga in 1993, Beatrice’s mother, Evelyn Baluku, received a pregnant goat the family called Mugisa, meaning “Luck” in the Okonzo language. Mugisa soon lived up to her name, producing twins and lots of milk – so much that Beatrice’s family could afford the $60 to send her to school. She was much older than the other first grade students but eager to learn. "Even when I got there, I made sure that I did extra work, extra homework, extra help, how to read, how to write. And I made it pretty quick." Beatrice breezed through first, second and third grades in three months each, and she and her goat soon became famous.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

dirty words

Yesterday I saw on Youtube a video of Joe Scarbourough on MSNBC, where he unintentionally said the word "fuck." What was more interesting than that, was the responses among the ADULT commentators as the camera cut back and forth as they smirked and giggled, their eyes wide, their mouths open in adolescent grins, all looking like they'd just seen Janet Jackson's exposed nipple.

Is this really 2008? Are we really in the 21st Century, where normally competent adults are suddenly reduced to fourteen year-olds because they heard a "dirty word?"

Words and images aren't "dirty," but our minds and our hearts certainly can be.

How will we ever fully evolve when we still run from certain words and certain images and certain ideas?


Did the world collapse? Did a child suddenly turn into a ruthless sociopath? Were we wounded to our soul?

A naked man and woman having fun with sex.

Was a single job lost in the economy due to this image? Did Russia re-aim its missiles?

A gay couple wants to wed.

Did the earth spin off its axis? Did billions of children suddenly decide to not be heterosexual?

Try saying a word you have thought of as "dirty." Say it a dozen, even a hundred times and watch as it loses its power over you. Feel the energy of freedom that you gain. And don't be surprised if you start laughing.

When we allow words and ideas and images to limit us, we limit ourselves to the amazing colors of the human experience, we sidetrack our natural evolution. We say that this word or image or idea is more powerful than us and we are diminished because of them.


We diminish ourselves.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


A trigger of remembrance.

For many years the numbers 11:11 have been mysteriously appearing to people all over the world. Often appearing on digital clocks, the sightings of 11:11 tend to occur during times of heightened awareness, having a most powerful effect on the people involved. This causes a reactivation of our cellular memory banks. There's a stirring deep inside, a hint of remembrance of something long forgotten.

The appearance of 11:11 is also a powerful confirmation that we are on the right track, aligned with our highest Truth. Throughout the years, I have personally encountered thousands of people all over the world who, have experienced repeated sightings of 11:11. They all want to know what is happening to them and why. What does the 11:11 signify?

11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed into our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter which, when activated, signifies that our time of completion is near. This refers to the completion of duality. When the 11:11 appears to you, it is your wake-up call. A direct channel opens up between you and the Invisible. When this happens, it is time to reflect on whatever you are doing for a moment and Look Larger. A transfer is in position. You can enter the Greater Reality if you wish pray or meditate and seed your future and also, you can be seeded by the Invisible. You can ask for help in some specific area of your life or simply listen quietly and receive a revelation.

The appearance of 11:11 is an always beneficial act of Divine Intervention telling you that it is time to take a good look around you and see what is really happening. It's time to pierce the veils of illusion that keep us bound to an unreal world. You have been chosen, because you are ready, to step into the Greater Reality. To lead the way for others into a new way of living, into a Greater Love. To ascend from
duality into Oneness.

The 11.11 is the bridge our vitality and oneness. It is our pathway into the postive unknown and beyond.

-- Shiva Tall

* * *

'Millions of people right around the world are seeing the numbers 11:11* mysteriously appearing on digital clocks.
And many are more than a little apprehensive.
They are not sure what it means, where to turn to, or who to trust.
*11:11 - The bridge or transitional zone between the old energy world of duality and the New Energy world of Oneness.
A wake-up/reminder call of the highest order...
confirmation that one's spiritual/awakening journey is right on track.'

~Allen Stacker

The poet and humanist Walt Whitman epitomized the New Spiritual Paradigm in the preface to his work Leaves of Grass… written 150 years ago!

‘Re-examine all you have been told in school or church or in any book, and dismiss whatever insults your own soul… It is also not consistent with the reality of the soul to admit that there is anything in the known universe more divine than men and women. The master knows that he is unspeakably great and that all are unspeakably great. There will soon be no more priests… They may wait awhile, perhaps a generation or two,
dropping off by degrees. A superior breed shall take their place. A new order shall arise and they shall be the priests of man, and every man shall be his own priest.'
~Walt Whitman, from the preface to Leaves of Grass – 1855

Monday, November 10, 2008

some books....

...and authors I recommend:

ageless body, timeless mind, chopra
quantum healing, chopra,
seven spiritual laws of success, chopra
books of caroline myss
the kyballion
the holographic universe, by talbot
the beginner's guide to constructing the universe
emmanuel's book
books of white eagle
the eagle's quest, wolff
parallel universes, wolff
sacred space, linn
books of louise hay
books of paul ferrini (especially I AM THE DOOR)
first 3 conversations with god books, walsch
the urantia book
treatist on cosmic fire, bailey
the seven rays, bailey
many lives, many masters, weiss
aquarian gospel of jesus
the way of the essenes
zen mind
miracle of water, moto
course in miracles
return to love, williamson
way of the shaman
books of carlos castenada
4 agreements, ruiz
adventures beyond the body
lucid dreaming
believing is seeing, dwyer
seat of the soul, zukov
poetry of rumi

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Plan

As I am personally and individually able to consciously understand (every person may -- and should -- have their own view), The Plan is the Divine Intention for the human race and planet Earth within this creative spiral.

Though I fully believe there is a Plan, within that Plan is an almost infinite freedom for self-expression and even denial of an intelligent and conscious guidance and direction in our lives and this world. And I am not talking about any historic Christian concepts such as the Rapture, or Jesus returning to earth to establish a kingdom of born-again believers.

For me, there are three primary aspects to The Plan on Earth.

One: The manifestation of Creator Consciousness into the dimensional reality of matter, through the conscious direction of the human species. In other words, to awaken to our individual and collective consciousness as creative extensions of the Divine, and to express that Divinity on Earth and in the world of matter.

How? We don't have to be Christian, or Buddhist, or religious at all. We don't even have to be spiritual. We only have to be as conscious as possible of ourselves and our intentions and our responsibilities toward ourselves, each other and the planet.

Two: To impregnate multi-dimensional matter with our consciousness, thereby elevating all matter in consciousness as well. The old paradigm used to be ascension: We incarnated on the planet -- this school -- to learn and grown in spiritual awareness until we turned into light and left the planet for better, more spiritual places.

But things have changed. In effect, The Plan altered, and now we are to stay on the planet and by raising our consciousness, raise the consciousness of the entire planet.

How? By being fully present and as loving and compassionate and non-judgmental as possible -- by having as much fun as possible -- each of us automatically radiates elevated consciousness -- light -- into matter all around us. As Yeshua has said, everything in the universe is conscious to one degree or another, even the computer I'm typing this on. The more I radiate this 'light' the more conscious the computer itself becomes. (Remember, the seeming separation we sense between ourselves and matter around us is a quantum mechanical illusion. There is no separation.)

Here's an experiment: Start talking to your car. Give it a name. Start treating it like a conscious being, and don't be surprised if your car starts 'behaving' differently, needing less repairs, or 'telling' you when it does need repairs. In effect, infuse your consciousness into the car, and the car itself will become more conscious.

Eventually, we will have co-created a material world where everything in it -- animal, vegetable, mineral -- will be consciously co-creating with us, just as we are consciously co-creating with Divinity.

Three: Part of The Plan was an experiment in whether human conscious held deeply within the illusion of matter -- with absolute Free Will -- would -- of its own accord -- choose to embrace the light, or the shadow? Despite what the world around us may look like, we have in fact chosen the light, which is what allows for the other two aspects of The Plan to now move forward.

In effect, despite the immense amount of work yet to do within ourselves and toward the planet, the game has already been won.

And how cool is that?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


(photo courtesy andy54321)

What is it about judgment that we all find so compelling?

Is it a way to place ourselves in the world, and in our culture, even in our family and our individual life? A way of saying this is who I am? And if so, are we then defining ourselves by outside circumstances?

Or is judgment a way of feeling good about ourselves in a constantly shifting world, and within our own shifting ethics and perceptions? Is it a way of feeling morally superior? Do we really need judgment?

As Yeshua says, judgment is not the same as discernment. I can discern something as not appropriate for me without judging it as good or bad.

And how do we know something is inherently bad or good? Slavery used to be accepted behavior; it was "good" for the economy. In the Old Testament a 'just' God sanctioned rape. Many "evil" acts have been committed throughout history that ultimately created a greater good, by waking-up a people, or a nation.

Much of our humanity and compassion is only experienced and shared in response to a tragic or 'bad' event. We experience just as much growth -- perhaps more -- via a 'bad' experience as a 'good' one.

What judgment fundamentally does is separate us from each other, the world, and divinity. When we judge something or someone we are pulling ourselves out of the moment, we are saying that I am not that.

But the truth is we are. There is nothing we judge that we have ourselves not committed at some point, in some form. "I have never murdered," you might say. A vegan or Buddhist might disagree. "Well, I never never murdered a human." Perhaps not in this lifetime, but most assuredly in a past lifetime. And there are many ways to 'kill' someone. A brutal verbal attack can be just as devastating to a person. Many suicides are pushed over the edge by an personal attack. Is that murder?

And if there is only one of us, quantum physically-speaking, then isn't what one person does to another, what we are doing as well? Didn't Yeshua say, what you do to another, you do to me?

By saying "judge not lest you be judged," Yeshua didn't mean we'll be judged and punished by some higher power. He meant that everything we judge we do so because it is an outward reflection of an inner conflict within us; it is on our personal 'radar screen'. When we judge something or someone, we are judging ourselves as good or bad.

Within the center of our own ethical core, we can discern that something or someone is not appropriate for us, and we can simply walk away without judgment.

Perhaps the world is in the state it is, and we are in the various states we find ourselves because of the energy of judgment. All of our western religions were born from and feed on judgment: we will never be good enough; the world will never be good enough. And so we separate, we point fingers, we fight, we destroy. Certainly most of us as young children were judged by our parents and schoolmates as being lacking in one way or another. Judgments we then passed on to others. We can't feel bad about ourselves all the time so we have to find an outside source to direct our own judgments toward, so we can feel better about ourselves, without having to look at our own issues.

We should all try living without judgment for a day and see how hard it is, but notice when we do view something or someone without judgment that we find ourself fully in the moment, and that moment in turn becomes filled with peace and love and compassion.

Monday, November 3, 2008

on election's eve...

"With Malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds."

"A house divided against itself cannot stand."

love xi

(photo courtesy sammis co)

But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the East, and Juliet is the sun! Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon Who is already sick and pale with grief That thou her maid art far more fair than she. Be not her maid, since she is envious. Her vestal livery is but sick and green, And none but fools do wear it. Cast it off. It is my lady! O, it is my love! O, that she knew she were!

She speaks, yet she says nothing.
What of that? Her eye discourses; I will answer it. I am too bold; 'tis not to me she speaks.

Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven
Having some business, do entreat her eyes To twinkle in their spheres till they return. What if her eyes were there, they in her head? The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven Would through the airy region stream so bright That birds would sing and think it were not night.

See how she leans her cheek upon her hand!
O, that I were a glove upon that hand, That I might touch that cheek!

love x

(photo courtesy pathetik)

"How Do I Love Thee?"

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Sunday, November 2, 2008

love ix

Evelyn was her name. I could see across that Elk's dancehall that she was part Cheyenne: high, round cheekbones, deep, full eyes -- very dark. She smiled. And we danced. My hand at her back, her hand on my shoulder. She was a receptionist for a car dealer. Born in Laramie. And she had the sweetest, open smile. And we danced 'round that floor and laughed. She'd never been out of Wyoming before. Had a dream about going to Disney World, seeing palm trees. Her parents were dead. She had a brother in jail for robbing a grocery store and a sister with seven kids somewhere in Texas and her eyes caught the light and green turquoise flashed at her throat, and we danced. 'Til the music stopped.

And I kissed her. And she smiled. And I asked her for the next dance.

And she said yes.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

the consciousness of DNA

(photo courtesy jurvetson)

We are our DNA. We've all heard that, and it's true. Our DNA and RNA are the building blocks and blueprints of who we were, who we are, and who we may become. They carry our genetic information from family to family down through the currents of history. They carry our social and cultural information as well. DNA even possesses all the genetic information of the planet.

The microcosm is the macrocosm.

But is our DNA frozen in biological 'concrete'? Is it unalterable?

From a metaphysical point of view, the answer is no; we can alter our DNA through conscious intervention.

However, part of our DNA also carries our karmic history and can only be altered as we come to terms with our karmic responsibilities. We cannot run from our karma any more than we can run from our DNA.

But we can influence and change both.

The very fact that we're open to these kind of Sci-Fi-ish possibilities suggests that we're already nearing the time when we can move beyond karma as a method of teaching altogether, and thereby release it from our DNA and our consciousness.

And remember, ultimately our DNA, like everything else is the Universe, is the product of consciousness and can be changed through consciousness.

One might ask: "But won't tampering with the consciousness of DNA at my limited intellectual and spiritual abilities cause harm to me physically?"

No, because this type of co-creation is always handled at the level of our Higher Selves, and within the Divine Consciousness that inhabits our DNA already. We just have to express our intention and focus that intention -- with the highest good for all and with harm to no one.

Again, the fact that we're even considering this possibility means that we're moving into co-creative alignment with the Universe -- which is what the Universe intended from the very beginning of our journey into matter.

The Universe wants to encourage us to co-create with it. We express the intent, the Universe will do the heavy lifting.

And don't worry, any changes we intend will be manifested within the intelligence of the sacred geometry of our DNA. Our genetic make-up won't collapse like a weakened ladder.

So, how?

Really, it's up to you. Use your own intuition. But here's a suggestion:

Move into a meditative state.

Intend/imagine connecting with the consciousness of your DNA. That's all you have to do. Intent is everything. You don't have to perform some elaborate mental or spiritual ritual.

For me, I find it helpful to simply picture the words "DNA" in my mind, lit up like a neon sign.

Below the word I visualize a circuit breaker box just like the one in every home.

One one side I see a column of circuits that are 'turned-on' to genetic physical possibilities such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, allergies, aging, etc. But I also see circuits connected to emotional conditions such as anger, fear, hate, jealously, which also effect our DNA and our health.

One by one, I shut these circuits "Off."

One a second column I see circuits for health and youth and vitality and joy and love and happiness and restored eyesight and specific healed physical issues. I make sure these circuits are turned "On."

That's it.

I often find that when I return to the meditation, my "Off" circuits are back "On." And I have to perform the visualization all over again. Almost daily until I can go back and see that all the "Off" circuits are indeed "Off" and all the "On," "On."

Sometimes I have to lock the "Off" circuits with a padlock. Sometimes with chains. Sometimes I covered them in 'concrete'. Once I even took a 'shotgun' and blew them to pieces.

All while making sure the "On" circuits stayed "On" and even radiating light and love and joy.

Another possibility is to imagine a DNA 'ladder' with physical and emotional negative and positive traits attached to the 'steps'. Visualize 'pulling' the negative traits off and then 'enhancing' the positive ones.

Create your own visualizations. Have fun with it.

And watch your health and body begin to change.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"Your Laughter"

Take bread away from me, if you wish,
take air away, but
do not take from me your laughter.

Do not take away the rose,
the lance flower that you pluck,
the water that suddenly
bursts forth in joy,
the sudden wave
of silver born in you.

My struggle is harsh and I come back
with eyes tired
at times from having seen
the unchanging earth,
but when your laughter enters
it rises to the sky seeking me
and it opens for me all
the doors of life.

My love, in the darkest
hour your laughter
opens, and if suddenly
you see my blood staining
the stones of the street,
laugh, because your laughter
will be for my hands
like a fresh sword.

Next to the sea in the autumn,
your laughter must raise
its foamy cascade,
and in the spring, love,
I want your laughter like
the flower I was waiting for,
the blue flower, the rose
of my echoing country.

Laugh at the night,
at the day, at the moon,
laugh at the twisted
streets of the island,
laugh at this clumsy
boy who loves you,
but when I open
my eyes and close them,
when my steps go,
when my steps return,
deny me bread, air,
light, spring,
but never your laughter
for I would die.

Pablo Neruda

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Losing My Life To Find It

Today I see that in spiritual growth I lose my life to find it. This is
just the opposite of establishing my identity in a worldly way, which
lies in surrounding myself with things that I want to represent me. In
this way I define and seek a sense of self through representation. I
know now that I cannot find me in a reflection of myself.

When I do this, my eyes are constantly focused outward, and I forget that it is
through an inner gazing that I come to know who I am and what life is
all about. The sense of loss I may experience when I cease looking for
my true identity in objects outside myself disappears when I look within
for my life and meaning.

I let go of my smaller self to know my larger self.

In my end is my beginning.

T. S. Eliot

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


(photo courtesy mordoc)

age-consciousness is one of the most biologically destructive constructs we can entertain. Call yourself an age and the body responds accordingly. And the body and mind instantly respond to the cultural expectations of what the number is supposed to imply.

The human body is rebuilt from the skeleton up every year (most of the body is rebuilt every seven months). We only retain dis-ease and aging because our consciousness immediately places those new, healthy cells in the same place as the old, unhealthy, aged cells.

Aging is a dis-ease. It is NOT a biological imperative.

What the mind believes, the body follows. Besides, I have lived lifetimes. At the quantum level, I am infinite. I am therefore ageless -- so long as I choose to be. The number means nothing.

The only reference point that matters is the spirit and the human heart.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

a message

be still dear friends, brothers and sisters, parents and child, enemies and loved-ones, these are the times of grace. what seems complex and confusing and frightening is in fact the most amazing of occurrences. it is the call home. it is the call to return, not to where you came from, but to where you have always believed yourself to truly be. though you have forgotten, though you have been lost, though you have played with fear and despair, those times are dwindling away. this is not a time to look back, or look forward, but to look within and around and revel in what you have all too often passed by in the haste of life. there is no right here and no wrong to what has been done and not yet done, just truth and acceptance and peace within the heart. this is the time of letting go. letting go of the guilt and the shame and the illusion that you are able to control all aspects of your life and the life of the planet. yours are not the only paths being walked on the planet. yours are not the only plans. the great latticework has come together in astounding beauty and form and interconnected all paths and all plans into one river flowing to one ocean. the time of separation is over. the time of limitation is over. the time of borders and fences are over, including those within the human heart. what you see as destruction around you is the process of creation released of its restrictions. it is the freeing-up of eons of stuck and cluttered energy and it is not chaotic. it is not punishment. it is the freeing-up of the waters of consciousness to flow where they are needed. yes there will be changes, that is obvious to all. but they need not be as difficult as you fear; they need not be difficult at all. though few of you remember it, you have been at this stage of creation an infinite number of times before. you have even experienced it when you left the peace and perfection of home and journeyed courageously into rebirth and human form and experienced the pain of pressuring the vastness of all that you are into the smallest, most fragile of forms. time and time again you have each done this. some lifetimes you chose to rest, others you filled with profound challenges. all were extraordinary works of art. this is the time of completing the painting you all began at the beginning of this creation spiral. you have waited anxiously, impatiently for this time; you have, quite literally, waited in line to be here now. do not look to the past to solve the challenges of these times. the only answers for each of you are within, in the stillness of your deepest awareness that you are not small, insignificant vehicles of motion and perception, but instead infinite creators made manifest in flesh in a world of matter, to better understand, contemplate and perfect your creations. wake every day trusting you are safe and shall be guided though others around you may stumble. trust that they are safe as well and always have been. open to the release of all judgment about what you consider "good" and "bad." this is the time to be those lights in the darkness, cursing the darkness not. one can shout from the roller-coaster from fear, or exhilaration. when you come up against your fears and seeming walls of adversity, step back, take a breath and consider surrendering to the moment. open to what you think of as the miraculous. you are the caterpillar breaking free of the cocoon, the young, trembling bird about to fly for the first time. you think you will fall. you will not. you will be asked to open to faith, and not the blind faith of your religions, but the true faith of your true nature that you have hidden away in order to play this grand game of creation. reclaim your power. create your day and your world as you would have it, first in your heart, then speak it out into the world of form to be made manifest. you have each created this world. now you shall recreate it in joy and love and harmony. greed will be replaced by the grace of generosity and shared hope. isolation and separation will be replaced with union. the dark will pull away from under your feet as you walk with a heart filled with light. there really is nothing to be done, as difficult as that may be to accept. there is only to be present. to be hopeful. to be generous and loving. to bend as the willow does. to flow as the river. the river bringing you home.