Sunday, January 19, 2014

A gift

Imagine you are a powerful Divine Being with a magic wand that can perform any miracle and then imagine someone you love, touch them with your wand and say:
You are free of pain.
You are free of suffering.
You are happy.
You are filled with loving kindness. You are awakened.
Then imagine someone you’re neutral about and do and say the same thing.
Then imagine someone you have issues with.
Then imagine the earth and say: All people everywhere are free of pain, etc.
Finally, imagine yourself and touch the wand to your heart and say the same words.

Time flies

Since the past and the future exit right now, then what happened to us five minutes ago, yesterday or ten years ago is now also 13.8 billion years old. Why hold a grudge or be angry or seek punishment for something that happen 13.8 billion years ago? There is only the Holy Instant. The Now. Let everything else go. Peace.

The only secret to happiness and peace

I forgive you in me. 
I forgive me in you. 
I love you in me. 
I love me in you. 
I bless you in me. 
I bless me in you. 
It is done.Image